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          In November 2017 we organised a logo competition. At first each school arranged an internal logo contest and the best logo was chosen by a jury composed of teachers. Next there was an international competition in which there were 5 logos (one from each school) and the best was chosen by students. The students’ voting was filmed. The winner of the international logo competition is the Turkish proposal and it has become the common LOGO of the PROJECT.


         To get to know each other students wrote their profiles on the eTwinning site. They had a look at the other students' profiles and they asked questions or told a bit more about themselves to a person they found interesting. They were encouraged to write a comment to four people, each from a different country. This way every pupil-member got a message from their peers.



         To learn more about our partners’ schools, towns and regions each school was asked to prepare a padlet with various materials presenting their place and the area. Having five padletsfilled with lots of information, the student stask was to prepare presentations about partners’ school, towns and reginons . Each school was supposed to prepare 4 presentations – one about each partner. As the form of the presentations was not determined, they used different kinds.

         Whenall the presentations were ready  and downloaded on eTwinning, we opened a forum for discussions. We asked students to answer if the others managed to make a nice and accurate presentation about their country and how could one help the others to get the right view of their school and region and how in their opinion this sort of topic should be done.


Here are some comments:


   "I think that traditional presentions like power point or prezi are more effective because they are more easily to read.The videos are great but  the pictures need to be synchronized with the voice." Giuliana (Italy)


    "I think that it was okay, not too difficult, not too easy. I learned much more about the country. In my opinion a slide show would be the best. Making a video with iMovie was a little bit hard." Venla (Finland)


    "Thankyou for all the presentations you did for Turkey. I mostly like the ones that Finland and Poland did , because they used the information we gave and they were more informative." Kardelen (Turkey)

    "Some of the presentations doesn't describe my school properly but it seems that everybody tried to do their best and I really appreciate that. However there are some little mistakes. Ithink a reason of this mistakes could be that most of students have never visited described place." Klaudia (Poland)


    "All the presentations were very good but some of them had some mistakes with some names and some photos,but in general they were so good." Sonia (Spain)


         Each school started a Book Club which main aim has been to promote reading. The students read books in their own language and exchanged comments either during the meetings or online. They also promoted the Book Clubs in their schools: posters, school boards, badges, bookmarks, etc. An online survery was done among students to check their reading preferences. And after that a few different files were opened on eTwinning. Then the students were able to share their book reviews in English by placing them in the file of the proper kind of the book. The Finish teachers studied the students’ preferences and reviews carefully and decided to choose ‘The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery for the Fanfiction tasks. The choice was accepted by the whole project socjety.



         The members of the Book Clubs were supposed to read ‘The Little Prince’ in their own language and then at least some parts in English. There was an online quiz (Quizizz) about the chosen book and the students had great fun doing it. During the visit to Finland the students had Fanfiction workshops. They were presented with the idea and examples of Fanfiction, then they did some exercises connected with ‘The Little Prince’ and guiding them towards Fanfiction. Later they worked in international groups and prepared six Fanfiction episodes which finaly were recorded while being read with some dialogues and action sounds added. That final product will be used for preparing the performance during the second Learning, Teaching and Training event in Italy.

Introduction to Fanfiction
Online quiz


     Reading aloud for an audience was an activity carried out in September/October 2018. Each school chose a group of young children either in a nursery school or a primary school and read them aloud different stuff for kids. Some selected fairytales or other children stories, some combined ‘cooperative writing’ with ‘reading aloud’ and let the children start the story which was continued by teenagers and later read to the kids. In all cases it was a very nice activity. Both young children and teenagers were very glad and there were some decisions to continue it in future. 



     Before the meeting in Italy each country had to work on a part of ‘The Little Prince’ fanfiction, which was written in Finland, in order to prepare a proper script. Italian group brought together all the parts and produced one screenplay which was transformed into a performance during the meeting in Italy. The students worked in four groups: actors, musicians, dancers and artists (costumes and scenic design). All worked hard and were really involved. Therefore the play presented on Friday morning was a great fun both for the performers and the audience.



     The activity done in December 2018 was entitled: Connection between Reading and Maths.
The task was to prepare a survey about free time activities (time spent on reading, in social media, on computer games, doing sport, hobbies). One survey was conducted among teenagers and the other one among adults. Later the students developed the results and prepared statistics in a form of graphs with short comments and put them in eTwinning site. Some of the also added photos or a video showing the surveying.



     The task was about finding connections between Literature and Maths. We decided to work on: haiku, limericks, riddles and crosswords. The students were presented with each of the form in their own language and then they looked for examples in English and finally they tried to write their own pieces in English. One limerick, one crossword, one riddle and one haiku were chosen in each school and sent to Spanish school which combined all the materials into one e-book.






     The task was about learning to interpret and solve Maths problems. They mostly worked in groups solving different Maths problems in their own language. They took pictures or made videos during this activity. These materials were uploaded into eTwinning. Later each country chose one of these problems and prepared a presentation (together with the solution) in English. All the presentations were combined by Turkish school and the final product was uploaded on a separate page in eTwinning.


     The activity was done during the international meeting in Poland. There were three sessions of coding  for which the students were didvided into international pairs: a pupil from Poland and another one from a partner school, but not host and guest pairs. During the first session the students did a few simple exerises to start working together. The second session was for preparing an animation with project elements (countries, title, slogans, etc). During the third coding session the students were supposed to prepare a game in Scratch entitled ’Treasure Hunt’. The international pairs were really motivated. They worked diligently and quite cooperatively and got their task accomplished in the given time. The teachers who were in charge gave advice and support when needed.
On the last day of the meeting all animation prepared in Scratch were shown to the Erasmus+ group. Next five games chosen by IT teacher’s jury were presented and then everybody could play the games. The winners in each game got small prizes.


     During the LTT meeting in Granada  an international Maths Olympic Games was organized. There were four teams of students. At first they prepared a poster about a famous mathematicians and took the name of the team after them. In each team there were pupils from all partner countries. The teams were supposed to solve numerous Maths problems or riddles presented by the  leading teacher to all. The team which got the most points were awarded with some prizes.
Before the meeting in Granada there were Maths Olympics in all partners countries apart from Spain. Each school organized it in a different way (individuals, pairs, groups) and for different age. But all took some pictures or made a video and that material was uploaded in eTwinning. 


         At the very beginning of the project a questionnaire about basic literacy skills was prepared and the survey was carried out among students in each partner school.  The tittle was ‘Skills and Attitudes’ and the questions concerned reading, writing and numeracy. 

         At the end of the project the same survey was conducted among the students who were involved in the project. Then the results were compared and the conclusions were used for the final evaluation of the project. 

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